Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas Trees

This year I find myself a little bit torn about what to do for a Christmas tree. I think only once in my life I have had an artificial tree. I love the smell of real trees and it was always a tradition for us to go out a week or so before Christmas and find a tree together as a family. But since having kids of my own that tradition has faded, but the having a real tree hasn't.

But this year I'm thinking that maybe it's time to give up my stubborness and give in to an artificial tree. There would be many reasons why I would like it. To be able to put the tree up earlier would be nice, not to have to clean up the fallen needles, save another tree in our world. The list goes on, but these are my main reasons.

Now what I would like to know from you is what you prefer and why. Please help me make up my mind!!!