Monday, April 2, 2007

Being Blind...

So I just happen to be one of those people who absolutely need their glasses to see. I am as blind as a bat if I don't have them on. Can't see two feet in front of me and definitely cannot see anything in the distance. This being said I can easily say I had a really dumb moment. I left my glasses somewhere Mya could reach them. I know, it's my fault completely. She decided she wanted to play with them and completely broke the arm. Now, this isn't the first time I've been careless with them and I never seem to learn.

So here I am, once again, without my glasses. My eye doctor is in another city so I had to send my glasses home with my family so they can get fixed. So this means that I am without them for a least a week! Luckily I still has one pair of contacts left. But even with them it's going to be hard. I'm not one who wakes up and automatically goes and puts in contacts. And to have to wear them for the whole day is hard for me. I get very dry eyes if they're in too long. My eyes just aren't used to them being in for that long.

So here I am, trying to brave a few hours this morning being stubborn and trying not to put in my contacts for a few hours, then decide that I should take my vitamins. Well just as soon as I take it out of the bottle....I drop it on the floor. And knowing that if I don't find this pill right away, it'll probably be Mya who finds it and eats it and an adult dose for a one year old probably wouldn't be a good thing. So here I am trying to find a little red pill while blind. It was not fun. I had such a hard time finding it! And can you guess where I found it? It just happened to roll right on top of a red Samvega magnet!!! No wonder it was so hard! The chances of a red pill landing on something else red? Pretty slim if you ask me. I think I was just being tortured for my poor judgement. Oh well, it's all good for now....but for it only being day one without my glasses I wonder what else the week will hold for me and if I will be able to keep my sanity through it all....

The test has begun....