Wednesday, February 7, 2007

20 People.....20 Sentences

The idea: Write a sentence about 20 people; one sentence per person, but don't mention who...(sometimes i wrote more than one sentence...)

* You are my best friend and I know that I can turn to you with anything

* I hope you know that I am here for you no matter what.

* You need to take time to relax because when you do you can be a lot of fun

* I'm glad that we're talking again, I missed having you around!!

* I'm happy for you and the changes in your life. You seem so happy now.

* I love you more than words can say, but we still have our moments....

* It's nice to have someone who understands me in ways others don't and someone that can keep a secret.

* You have had so many changes in your life and I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you!

* I have enjoyed getting to know you better and now know that you aren't all that bad.

* You are such a beautiful person and I love your personality! Don't ever change!

* We have been through so many things together, but I can't help with the decision you need to make.

* I hope it all comes back and bites you hard in the ass because you deserve it!!!

* I know we haven't always got along (and still don't all of the time) but I truely enjoy the time that we share together.

* It's great to have someone else that shares in our interests. It helps not being the only female! You're a blast to be around!

* You are always on my mind and I hope that you're taking care of yourself. I also wish we could talk more, but it's hard.

* If ony you knew what you were missing.......

* I know we were close when we were younger, then drifted away from talking for awhile, but I'm glad we can talk again.

* You live so far away, but are settling in your ways. I'm proud of your success.

* I think we would have a lot more in common if we would've started out on the right foot.

* Wherever you are, I hope that life is treating you good, and I hope to be able to talk with you again someday....